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Project Name: How to run a DC motor using MOSFET Transistor.


Project description:

I took a 9N50C N-Channal MOSFET and use it as a switch to blink a LED.

The MOSFET has 3 legs, the left one is Gate, for controling the MOSFET.

The middle leg is Drain and the right one is Source. This device is volt wise controller.

When the is no Voltage differance between G ans S (no signal arriving from the controller, both legs at zero V), the switch is fully open. No current flow from D to S. When a voltage differance appear between G and S (5V signal from the controller for example).The switch will fully close, a current will flow between D ans S depending on the D voltage and the load connected.


 The loop write to the pin (2) that is connected to the
 MOSFET Gate leg via 10K ohme.I used 9N50C MOSFET which can be used for high
 voltage, up to 500V and deliver 9 Amp. This is an N-Chammel MOSFET.
 The Source connected to 0V (GND), The drain to the high voltage side.



  • MOSFET 9N50C or any other MOSFET.

  • 10K Ohme in line with pin 2 on the Arduino and Gate of the MOSFET.

  • 12 V, DC motor from HP printer.



How to use a MOSFET Transistor
Created Feb 26th 2015
By Yohi Zucker
This program is in the public domain

int motorpin=2;  //led connected to pin 2

void setup() {
void loop() {

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