Project Name : From Arduino to Stand Alone.
Project description:
This is my first Stand alone project. I took the project "Game Cube" and build a stand alone circuit with the ATmeg 382-PU microcontroller.
I used 2 Pcs, 16 Pin Narrow DIP IC Sockets Adaptor . (Normally should use one, 28 pins DIP socket for the CPU).
I connect 16 MHZ Crystal to pins 9 & 10 , Two Cap of 22 micro F connected to each leg of the Crystal and to GND. You may see the scheme at the end of this page. On the PCB, I arrange a spot for Vcc and a spot for GND which at the end were connected to Battery power source. I didn't use this time a voltage regulator as I intened to use 2 cell batteries, each of 3V (2032). You may see the Voltage regulator as well at the end of the page. Pin 7 & 20 connected to Vcc spot and pins 22 & 8 to the GND spot. Later, I will add a Reset switch that will connect between pin 1 and GND via a resistor of 10K. The leds are connected to pins 11,12,13,14,15,16 and 17 of the ATmega cpu. Pin 4 via the push button (not shown in the scheme) Trigger the Cube rolling. Pin 19 lit the small red led while the cube is rolling.
So all the components you need to replace the Arduino board and to build a stand alone projects are as follow :
1. One 28 pins DIP socket.
2. One Crystal 16 Mhz
3. Two Caps 22 microF
4. One P.Button (for Reset).
5. One 10K resistor (For Reset).
6. One PCB 4X6 cm.
7. One ATmega 328 CPU-PU .
8. Power supply unit or Batteries pack for power.
You need to burn bootloader and upload your Sketch to the ATmega328-PU.
If you don't find a good tutorial , please let me know by leaving a message on the Home page.
I will try to prepare a simple tutorial to do so.